To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what areas of our life we need to look at/ work on this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Card 1 Ride the Wave (reversed)
When the card is right side up it signifies that success is pretty easy, that all you have to do is ride! However as reversed it suggests that this week you should be building up your skills (or your business). What you are working on right now is preparing you so that when that wave of ease comes you will be prepared and ready to hop on! If you feel like you are struggling right now, or not quite seeing the progress you’d like – keep at it! Think of it as training, when the time comes you will be so happy to have had this experience and knowledge.
Card 2 Follow the Leader
Do you lead by example? Do you even consider yourself a leader? Have you considered who looks up to you and who you are already inspiring? What have you been through and come out the other side more sure of who you are? These past experiences are so,so,so important right now. How can you inspire and lead others to get through? If you feel like you’re not quite there yet consider who it is that you admire and respect. How can you start to emulate the strengths you see in them? This week is all about how you can become a leader and be of service to those that need you.
Card 3 Peaks of Joy
Do you know how happy you are? Like right now? Sometimes it is hidden, but just a little music or fun can help to bring that out. And NOW is the time. Others need to witness and feel your joy to help raise their vibration as well. When you give joy to others you experience a scene of achievement and the law of attraction wants you to keep that up! The more joy you bring the more you will achieve. Keep an eye out for signs that you are headed in the right direction. Angel numbers are great to look for if that feels right for you. Watch for any numbers or songs that you see or hear 3 times or more than Google what it means – you’ll be surprised at how often the Universe is trying to get your attention!
Want More?
Grab one of my 7 card life purpose spreads and get a set of solid actions and advice to move you closer to where you want to be. Ask a question or just hang back and see what the Universe delivers up to you. You get a PDF of the spread and my (sometimes long-winded) explanations of each card. Plus as a bonus I include even more nuggets of wisdom about how to use the law of attraction to move forward and how to care for your chakras that need healing, as it relates to the cards that have come up for you.
If you’re interested just click the image, pay by PayPal and you’ll be re-directed to let me know your question. From there I’ll email you to let you know when your spread will be ready (within the week.)
These spreads are so much fun, and implementing the results can bring about real transformation and clarity in your life!