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With the viewpoint that Earth is a great teacher, that assembles and prepares lessons that continue our growth and evolution, I want to take a closer look today at this education system and how we can excel in this learning environment.
Considering that each person has his/her own unique perspective and way of seeing the world, it is no wonder that no two journeys or lesson plans are never the same. This variety can sometimes create the illusion that we are separate but in reality our learning and expansion effect the entire collective. With this in mind, it is more important now than ever to honor this Higher Education School of Earth and apply what we have learned.
So what exactly am I talking about? How do we honor and excel in this school? I want to highlight 5 ways that we can consciously participate in this amazing, Divine school.
- We feel.
- We pay attention.
- We question.
- We get to know and understand our own powers.
- We take responsibility.
Your emotions are your direct communication with the Divine, with the Earth (Archangel Gaia), with other humans, with ourselves. Dis-allowing, pushing down or ignoring emotions – even the super ugly ones only makes us repeat that same class over and over again. As we find ways to witness and allow our emotions in healthy ways we are able to process them. To learn the lessons they are here to give. To see what they are bringing to life. For example, if you’re feeling anger towards someone, look into it. Don’t ruminate and let the anger cycle and cycle and cycle, because that transforms into resentment and again – another class you don’t really want to stay stuck in! Unpack the anger, dance, journal, tap, stomp, run, sing, cry. Let it out into the light, into the air where you can begin to heal it. Ask why it is there? Most often we will find this emotion covers up something that is harder to feel like grief or unworthiness. Like layers of a pastry, we can peel away the emotions to get to the root of what is bothering us and allow it to heal. When we allow the emotions to come up, sometimes it has a message in itself. For example, anger and outrage at something you see in the World can be transformed into positive action to impact change. Like a fire of movement and evolution within. In the school of Earth there will be no shortage of teacher, who will help us by ‘triggering’ these emotions so we have opportunity after opportunity to bring them to light. In this same sense when we feel great emotions, when we feel love, when we feel compassion, and bliss let it roll! Let yourself fully feel it, let those emotions travel throughout your body and energy to heal and neutralize the fear based ones. When we feel we win.
This is quite straightforward. Mirroring a real classroom there is no surprise that as we pay attention to our OWN lives, we win. When we get obsessed and caught up in the lives of others, the judgment or ignoring our own feelings we can end up in places in our lives we never really wanted to be. Pay attention and be a conscious co-creator in your life for an A+ in attention. Pay attention to your emotions and pay attention to what you want to see more of to bring more of it to you on an emotional level. Want to see more love in the world? Focus on loving yourself, loving those around you and mediating and expanding out the energy of love. It’s the difference between the student paying attention, understanding and wrapping a class or a student on their phone, totally ignoring everything and repeating the same class for years. Of course there has to be balance so indulge in some drama distraction every now and then, just remember to live your life in your life.
Yes please. Question when someone or circumstance ‘makes’ you feel a certain way. Ask why? Then again and keep going. As we question we can get to the root of what makes us tick and work very effectively with ourselves to create harmonious living. Question what you have been taught. Question your subconscious programs. Question why you sabotage and do things to point you in the opposite direction to where you want to go. When you present the question, a solution, an answer will be formed and you can then move towards it! Choose in your life what feels best to you, deeply within your heart and if something feels off, feels like fear or constricting move in the opposite direction or ask how you can help this area to heal, forgive and release that restriction.
We are just scratching the surface right now. As we consciously expand our awareness of ourselves, and our power and potential. Of exactly what guides and Divine energies are constantly supporting us. Of how powerfully our energy, attention and intention create this reality. Then we direct it with all the other learning we’ve been up to. Limitless. For right now learning our powers of emotions and healing deeply on that level for own benefit and growth and that of the collective is a brilliant place to start. Expanding our confidence, worth and self-love help us to step into our unique purpose and potential and as we are wielding these Divine gifts worlds of possibility begin to open up.
Enough with blame. Goodness. Enough with shame and guilt. With Resentment. It’s time to dissolve these emotions with grace. As we take full responsibility for our lives, for where we are headed from here on out. As we send out ribbons of forgiveness energy and re-claim our power, our purpose we are unstoppable co-creators. There is no force strong enough to hold you down when you allow and prioritize your own healing and re-integration of your power. You have the amazing power of choice, if nothing else you can always choose your emotions and with those emotions alone huge waves of transformation can be called upon.
What classes are you currently enrolled in? What ones do you want to wrap up? What ones really feed your Soul that you want to pay closer attention to?