A block is simply a belief that you are holding onto that is preventing you from moving forward in any area of your life. Sometimes blocks are really obvious, other times blocks are held subconsciously and we have to uncover them to get rid of them.
Some examples of blocks that can be cleared
- I have to work at a traditional job to make money
- I don’t have enough time in the day
- Customer service people never help me
- I never have anything to wear
- I don’t like X part of my body
- My back always hurts
- Men (or women!) are assholes
- I always have such a hard time getting to sleep
- I’m addicted to X
Everyone has blocks, I still have a pile of blocks that I don’t even know about yet. The trick is to notice a block for what it is – a false or limiting belief. Next allow the emotion, I am not in the business of pushing down emotions and staying super positive. If you do not allow and clear the emotion in most cases it’s not going anywhere! After you have noticed and cleared the block it’s time to replace it with a much more beneficial belief.
So if we are clearing a block that you just can’t lose weight or that you gain weight easily and can’t keep it off we will work to get to the bottom of why you have the block, deal with it and replace it with a much more magical belief like my body is fit and healthy and becoming more so daily.
Another note, just the belief alone will not likely make you lose weight. But with your new empowering belief you will know the next steps to take and the Universe will deliver to you everything you need to make your new belief of a healthy and fit body your reality. Believe it to see it.
So to recap a block is just something that keeps you from the best version of yourself, it could mean being more patient with your kids or having a job you love.
Another way I like to think of it: Picture yourself inside a room surrounded by big, beautiful windows in every direction. There are no lights inside the room, you are totally dependent on natural light from the windows. Inside this room is everything you need for the life of your dreams. Everything you need is always there, you just have to pick it up, but your windows are so filthy with blocks that you have accumulated that it is nearly impossible to see what you need to pick up. With every block that is cleared it shines a light on that area so you can pick up what you need and rock that area! Continuous clearing of your windows = magic in your life that is so exciting and joyful you’ll find it hard to remember what it was like living in the dark.
When I coach you, I am not cleaning your windows for you, I teach you to clean your windows so that you can keep it going long after we work together – I’m all about empowering you because I already know you have amazing potential that you may not have even noticed in the dark 🙂