So very quickly on the law of attraction. Whatever you feel about a subject is what you will attract in regards to that subject. This means that simply thinking the phrases I’m rich, I’ve got lots of clients, my business is doing amazing is not likely going to manifest what you desire.
However when you use your emotions as a guidance system that is when real magic happens. Your emotions are a direct indication of what you are attracting on any given subject. It’s as if our emotions translate what we want to the universe, who in turn always delivers. If I were to think about, for example, my kids doing chores, there are 2 distinct emotional vibrations/ indicators of manifestation that I could go with:
What I don’t want: Thinking about my kids doing chores I may notice a negative (let’s say frustration) emotion as I think about them not getting them done quick enough or doing them the way I do. After about 15 seconds of thinking this way law of attraction starts to assemble all needed parts so I get what I expect – my kids frustrating me and not doing the chores. If I don’t change up the way I feel about the subject my reality will show me what I already expect and believe to be true.
Now I could change that around…
What I do want: Great, so now that I know what I don’t want I have a clear picture of what I do want to be manifesting. I want my kids to do their chores and I want to release this need that I have to have it done my way. I want to feel happy and grateful that my kids are such a help around the house. So how do I get there?
Step one: Notice the negative thought/ emotion. Notice how it makes you feel. (Frustrated)
Step two: Decide what you want to feel about the subject. (Happy and Grateful)
Step three: Flip it around, change your focus to the positive. Depending on how long you have been feeling the negative emotion this can be a bit of a process. If it’s about something that you don’t feel very strongly about you are likely to be able to just list off some positive aspects in your mind, remind yourself of all the times your kids have been helpful and boom, you start attracting that into your reality. However if this has been something that you have been stewing about for a while or something that you have believed your whole life ‘the mom does all the cleaning’ than it might take more work to get you from frustration to happy on the subject.
This is where clearing come in. If you can’t quickly flip a thought to positive it means you just have to put in a little more effort. There are many law of attraction ‘games’ that you can play to get your mind focusing on the positive or you can employ another energy technique. EFT tapping is generally my method of choice when I have to release negative emotion.
Step four: Once you have that positive emotion happening and you are thinking about your subject ‘kids doing chores’, your job is not finished yet. Now it’s time to start to take inspired action. Once you are in the positive or ‘happy/gratitude’ feeling start to think about your dilemma again. Ask yourself or say out loud, what can I do to motivate my kids to want to help more. Then go about your day. As long as you stay on this positive side of the issue the law of attraction will deliver an inspired action for you to take. Usually within about 24 hours you will get a hint, and then if you follow that hint and keep following your intuition in a short period of time your ‘issue’ won’t even be on your radar any more.
That is manifesting in a nutshell. The law of attraction is delivering to you what you expect to receive, based upon how you are feeling about it. So that when we feel negative emotion it is very valuable, because it shows us what we will be manifesting. This is why clearing is so crucial to manifesting. Do not push those negative emotions down, they came up because they want to teach you a lesson and be cleared. In this case I would be learning to release control a little bit and be patient.
We need to acknowledge the negative emotion so we can clear it away to make room for the positive emotion and start to create our lives deliberately, because um, we can – and that is pretty amazing!