Today’s New Moon and Eclipse has so many of us feeling like we’re in the dark. I know this is how I’ve been feeling this week. With the moon in emotional cancer (my own sun sign) things have been hella emotional over here.
While it may feel like you are lost like there is no clear path forward. You have been planted. A seed doesn’t necessarily know how it is going to grow, it focuses moment by moment. I’m imagining it like:
“Ok, I’m in the dark. I have no idea what is next. Oh but hey I’m surrounded by this nurturing soil. I am supported. I am protected. I am provided for, so I don’t need to worry or figure out how I will grow. I trust that when the time comes to sprout and expand I will do so. Thank you for planting me.”
In contrast, when we are planted often we are all like:
“I’m in the dark, oh no I made a wrong turn, I’m not sure what to do next. I can’t see. I can’t see how. What the hell? All around me is the dark, haven’t I dealt with this already? I don’t see the path. Ahhhh!”
We are totally forgetting that sometimes we need to be planted. We need to dwell in the darkness while we reset and recalibrate our purpose, path, potential. Otherwise we can get stuck in our ways and complacent about moving forward in a direction that pushes past our comfort zone, pushes past what we feel is possible. When we are planted we may not be able to see outwardly such as a path or how-to, yet what we can see is so much more valuable. We can see within. We can see deeper areas that are ready to heal and allow healing. We can see what is planted within us, even if it’s only a glimpse, a door ajar, a puzzle piece, and when we feel into what we do see the hope comes back. The possibility comes back. If we are able to involve grounding in the equation and trust into our hearts we can begin the sprouting process when our time is ready.
Trust me you will know when the time is ready. In fact you won’t be able to stop it if you have positioned yourself in the energy of trust, gratitude and groundedness. When the inspiration hits you will know it, and knowing that it is your time to sprout you will take action.
This powerful New Moon has planted many of us and is encouraging us to engage with our inner worlds to see what we are ready to create on the outside. New Moons are always a time of setting intentions and refocusing on where we want to go – this one is more inwardly focused. We have to look within for the door that is ajar first before moving forward and knocking on doors that really don’t feel right to us.
We are encouraged to see the doorway of possibility and patiently await the sprout and clarity that come with seeing more of the picture. We are in a phase that can be challenging for our logical minds to understand so fear, doubts and the like can easily cloud our vision and sense of being at the right place at the right time.
If you’re feeling the darkness emotionally, let it happen. Let the emotions release, you’ve hit a deeper level of soil. All the previous work you’ve done has positioned you and set you up for this – you are not going backward, the soil is becoming darker because it is more nourishing than ever before. It carries with it more of exactly what you need and in order for you to fully grasp how supportive, nurturing and grounding the environment is right now you may be going through a clearing out of the eyes, of the perception, of the heart, of your sense of self and truth of self to see more clearly.
Picture a windshield, we can use the wipers to clear away debris, but often it will smear. So when we turn on the fluid, the emotion while it might look like a flood it is cleansing the windshield in more detail than if we were brushing it aside and really making a bigger mess. Use the fluid, the emotion within you to inspire the clearing of your perspective.
Whatever is coming up for you right now is in alignment. It is here now to simply show you what is on the windshield and the emotions communicate to you what you are ready to release and cleanse from your perception.
Let these come up and use your emotional healing tools, you are empowered now, you are the creator of your reality now. Pick up whatever tool suits from EFT, Shamanic Journey, energy healing, journaling, crying, walking, getting out in nature. There are countless tool to help you clear up this windshield – know that is all you are doing and you are still safe, nourished and provided for.
I mentioned back in June that the June, July and August New Moons would feel more like a blast, like a combination of full and new moon energy and July is certainly delivering! In addition to intention-setting new moon plans keep these points in mind when moving through this energy:
- Remember you are planted. It may seem dark but you are nourished, you are supported and you will know what to do when the time is right.
- You may be clearing out deeper levels, because you need to be planted deeper than before so your roots can expand and support you in a more powerful way.
- Prioritize grounding, drinking water, more grounding and more nourishment now. If your body needs it you will feel off balance and this is not the intention of this powerful energy. The more you pay attention to how you feel and ask what your body needs without judgment the easier the energy will flow.
- If you have got no idea what is next, focus on gratitude. Focus on looking within and connect your heart to earth. All is well.
If you are ready for this empowered chapter of your life and to claim your personal power and potential like never before secure your space in this manifesting incubator to create stability and flow in your amazing journey. As a special new moon offer (for 3 days only) I am offering a super affordable payment plan of $100 weekly. Click here for all the details.